



Orphan / Elder





Let's serve humanity


We support programs in the areas of urban and rural development, education, healthcare and equality.

Our core team along with our volunteers bring in a unique blend of expertise, experience and insights to our

projects and are central to the functioning of our organisation.

We work in pursuit of a common goal and are committed in our efforts to make a difference.

Do Roti &

Meal a day

Helping to serve cooked meals to roadside, orphans, elderly and other in need


Your Donation helps

those in need of shelter.


Providing water supply in isolated rural areas where spends hours every day to collect water


Lets help farmer for better and brither tomorrow, our farmer's needs more help.


Let's give a second chance to our cloths.

By giving it to someone

who is in need.

We Care

Join us in helping fight against poverty and hunger. 

Educational Support

Great Futures Start Here


Give a Little. Help a Lot

Our Education Centres have been established to educate those who have never gone to school and remained illiterate.

We are providing educational services. So, children can access primary and higher-level education over here.



Is Our Priority

Many childrens want to Read / Speak without any struggle

Let's Help

Many Girls

want to attend school

Help us to provide

Basic Digital Skills

Let's help 5 out of 2

childrens who are

not attending school

Help us 

two thirds of woman

wants to do Job

Education is the basic requirement for every individual; no one can survive without it.

Education is the main stone which builds the nation and helps it prosper in future.

We provides free education for poor children, De- addiction, Midday meal distribution, health and hygienic awareness among underprivileged families.

We work for all public without any discrimination of caste , creed and religion.

The education is an eternal process of learning which evolves from continuous efforts of improvement and progress. Let there be no compromise on the principles and no deviation from the high traditions of Indian culture.

The Human Life provides an atmosphere of truthfulness, trust and care and inspires students to be upright, righteous, rationalistic and sensitive.

Any product of Human Life will have the moral and ethical qualities deeply imbibed in him.

The education is only tool that can bring about the necessary change in lives of children. Therefore we seeks valued support from the donors.

The easiest way to support us is to provide donation for education for a single child.

A small donation of sum amount will ensure that a child will pursue an education for one full year include books & stationary.

Basic Support

Help feed the hungry now...

By serving them one wholesome meal a day, we give them the nourishment and motivation they need to pursue an education for a better future.

One out of eight people go to sleep hungry every night despite living in a world where there is enough food to feed all of us.

Hunger, or under nutrition, is a result of insufficient intake of macro and micro nutrients. It can, and often does, lead to chronic malnutrition or severe wasting associated with acute malnutrition.

Support us

Sponsoring with Food / Cloths and Other home needs

Lets our action speak louder than words

Invest in a small business owner.

You can connect with hardworking entrepreneurs who are waiting to realize their dream of building or expanding a successful business. 

A small amount is all that they require.

You can help where it is needed the most, protecting women and children by equipping qualified local staff to provide training, education, counselling, healthcare, along with other programs that reach females and girls as well as boys, helping to end cycles of gender-based violence.

Drinking Water Borewell

Drinking Water Tap

Water supply with the help of private water tanker owners in mid of summer

Waterpump Program for Agriculture support

Medical & Healthcare


Give a Little. Help a Lot

Our motive is to provide the medical services and medicines free of cost in order to relieve their pain.

  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Consultation
  • Medication

Help a new Mother

The initial few weeks after birth are crucial for both the mother and the infant.

You can help out by giving a brand-new mother the vital things such as a bassinet, fabric diapers, blankets, and a container to get clean water, and soap.

Orphan / Elders / Shelter

Donation Needed for Orphanage / Elderly care home

Give a little. Help a lot

We need donation to purchase a land of 6,600 sft (15.5 cent) for construction of Orphanage / Elderly Care Home.

Elderly Care Home (Old age home)

With the help of other charitable trust centers, we are planning to provide service for more than 30 old age people with all facilities which include 3-time food, shelter, water and other medical services if required.

Orphanage / Poor Family / Special Needs

For those who are in need, we are planning to provide service as much as we can.

A small amount of financial assistance, food and clothing can help someone.